DocSys - Administers all your incoming and outgoing mail. DOC Logo


DOC is a program to administer your incoming and outgoing mail.
For each entry you specify: Optionally you may also use a sequential number to insure completeness of your exchange with a particular relation (like a bank, or HQ). The program assigns a sequential number to each document. Such numbers can be reserved in advance and given to particular Persons in Charge.
Each document can be "Active" or "Passive".
For an incoming document "Active" means that some action has to be taken on that document. Like sending a reply, calling the other party etc. For an outgoing document "Active" means that some kind of reply is expected. When such a reply does not come within a reasonable time a reminder may be required.
Finally a document can be "Linked" to a previous document. Typically when you answer a letter the "Backward Link" will be set to that particular letter. This has the effect that that letter gets a "Forward Link" to your answer.
The program has excellent search facilities. Through powerful filter you specify what documents you are looking for. The corresponding records can be either Viewed or Printed through one of the report formats.
You can also print (selected) labels to address your correspondents.
The Help funtion assists in all aspects of the program.
Mail us to obtain your licence code: i n f o @ j a n p i t . c o m   (without the spaces)

Order form

Download DocExe.exe (233 kB, 20-Feb-00, version 2.1), a selfextracting file containing the executable.
Download DocDatEn.exe (50 kB), the English support files.
Note: Always download both files and unzip both into the SAME directory!
If expired ask a Free Evaluation License
If you like, pick up also DocSamEn.exe (33 kB), which contains some sample data.
Be sure to put these into a (single) different directory.

Important for upgraders

You can safely upgrade your current version with this one. After starting an Administration do [Period][Purge] and select a date like 1-1-1990. This will force the re-indexing of all files, and your system will become Y2K compliant.
Let us know how you like it!